2 Magnifying Glasses – StephieReads69 https://stephiereads69.com Spice up your reading. Sat, 20 May 2023 21:53:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://stephiereads69.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-Instagram-Profile-1-32x32.png 2 Magnifying Glasses – StephieReads69 https://stephiereads69.com 32 32 Cherish Her by Andrea Johnson https://stephiereads69.com/2023/05/20/cherish-her-by-andrea-johnson/ https://stephiereads69.com/2023/05/20/cherish-her-by-andrea-johnson/#respond Sun, 21 May 2023 00:30:00 +0000 https://stephiereads69.com/?p=785

Overall: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spicy: 🌶
Kink: 🚫
Suspense: 🔎🔎
Lesson: If you want time to go on spontaneous dates it’s important that you either don’t work or only work a few hours.
Main Thought: It was cute and predictable. The beginning with a little bit slow, but the book did pick up once Grant moved.

Grant recently retired from the military. Dakota lost her husband and is working on moving on with her daughters. Dakota and Grant meet at a party at a mutual friend’s house. Grant is thinking about moving so takes Dakota’s card in case he needs a real estate agent. After a few months Grant decides to make the move and calls Dakota. Once he moves, he realizes that he wants to get to know Dakota better. Dakota is finally at the place where she’s willing to try being friends with a man. Will Dakota be able to move on and open up to Grant? Will Grant want to become a family man?

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Reece by Stasia Black https://stephiereads69.com/2023/04/21/reece-by-stasia-black/ https://stephiereads69.com/2023/04/21/reece-by-stasia-black/#respond Sat, 22 Apr 2023 00:30:00 +0000 https://stephiereads69.com/?p=659

Overall: ⭐⭐⭐
Spicy: 🌶🌶
Kink: ⛓
Suspense: 🔎🔎
Lesson: Third time’s the charm. Just trust the third guy even if you’re on a dark ranch by yourself in the middle of the night.
Main Thought: The first third and last third of the book were really good, but the middle was slow. I enjoyed the way Charlie reasoned with herself about her past. The ending was disappointing, but made me want to read the next book to see how the series will end.

Warning: suicide attempt, domestic violence, miscarriage, drug/alcohol abuse

Charlie was married to Jeff who was manipulative and abusive. Charlie finally plans to run away and manages to escape. However, covering her tracks and being in the move isn’t easy. She ends up getting robbed and has to hitchhike the rest of the way. Charlie ends up running from the driver on a street in Texas and finds a ranch. She hopes that they will help her avoid the driver, but they end up giving her even more. How will Charlie adjust to life on her own? Will she be happy on the ranch or still continue onto the big city?

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